Quiz on Indefinite Pronouns in Main Clauses and Their Tag Pronouns

Quiz on Indefinite Pronouns in Main Clauses and Their Tag Pronouns

Instructions: Select the correct tag pronoun from the dropdown for each sentence. When you finish, click "Check Answers" to see how you did!

  1. Someone left their phone on the table, __?

  2. No one finished their assignment on time, __?

  3. Everyone needs to submit their forms by Friday, __?

  4. Anybody can join the club, __?

  5. Somebody has taken the last piece of cake, __?

  6. No one has arrived yet, __?

  7. Everybody loves a good mystery novel, __?

  8. Anyone can solve this puzzle, __?

  9. Somebody needs to call the doctor, __?

  10. No one remembers the old rules, __?

If you need to review Indefinite Pronouns in Main Clauses and Their Tag Pronouns in English Grammar, click here to go back to the post!

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