The Teaching of English

The Teaching of English


In this grammar lesson, I will discuss the role of English as a chief foreign language in the world and the implications for teaching and learning it. I will also provide some statistics on the number and distribution of English learners and users across different countries and contexts.

The Teaching of English

The Rise of English as a Global Language

English has assumed the role of a chief foreign language that French occupied for two centuries from about 1700. This means that English is widely used for communication, education, business, science, technology, culture and entertainment among people who do not share a common native language. English is also the official or dominant language in many former British colonies, such as India, Nigeria, Pakistan and the Philippines.

There are many factors that contributed to the spread and popularity of English, such as the political, economic and cultural influence of the United States and the United Kingdom, the development of mass media and information technology, the expansion of international trade and tourism, and the emergence of global issues and challenges that require cooperation and dialogue among nations.

The Diversity of English Learners and Users

According to one analysis of the educational statistics for 112 countries where English is not a native language, but is either a foreign language or a second language, over 46 million primary school students and over 71 million secondary school students were in English classes in the early 1970s. These figures represent over 15 per cent of the primary school population and over 76 per cent of the secondary school population for those countries. It is significant that English was the medium of instruction for 30 per cent of the primary school students and for nearly 16 per cent of the secondary school students.

Outside the primary and secondary schools, there are large numbers of students in institutions of higher and further education who are learning English for a variety of purposes: as the medium of the literature and culture of English-speaking countries; for access to scholarly and technological publications; to qualify as English teachers, translators, or interpreters; to improve their chances of employment or promotion in such areas as the tourist trade, international commerce, or international programmes for economic or military aid. In countries where it is a second language, English is commonly used as the medium for higher education, at least for scientific and technological subjects, even when it is not so used at the primary or secondary levels.

Many students come from abroad for their higher and further education to English-speaking countries, where English is of course the medium for their studies. In 1979, there were 286 340 foreign students enrolled at the post-secondary level of education in the United States, 56 877 in the United Kingdom, and 32 148 in Canada (where some will have studied in French-speaking institutions), apart from smaller numbers in other English-speaking countries. The country with the next highest figure after the United States was France, which had 112 042 foreign students in the same year.

The Implications for Teaching and Learning English

The diversity of English learners and users poses some challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning English. On one hand, teachers need to be aware of the different needs, motivations, backgrounds and goals of their students and adapt their methods and materials accordingly. On the other hand, teachers can also use the rich resources and experiences that their students bring to enhance their learning outcomes and intercultural awareness.

One approach that has been widely advocated for teaching grammar to students is to integrate it with reading and writing activities rather than teaching it in isolation. This approach allows students to see how grammar works in context and to practice it in meaningful ways. For example, teachers can use texts from literature or authentic sources to illustrate grammatical concepts, or they can ask students to analyse their own writing or peer feedback for grammatical errors and improvement.

Another approach that has been suggested for teaching grammar to students is to use an inductive rather than a deductive method. This means that instead of presenting the rule first and then giving examples, teachers can guide students to discover the rule themselves based on examples. This can help students to develop their analytical skills and their understanding of how grammar works.


In conclusion, English is a global language that is learnt and used by millions of people around the world for various purposes. Teaching and learning English requires an awareness of its diversity and complexity as well as its relevance and usefulness. Grammar is an essential component of language proficiency that can be taught effectively through integrating it with reading and writing activities and using an inductive method.



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PGDRMC: English Topics, Health Insights and Helpful Tutorials: The Teaching of English
The Teaching of English
Learn how English became a global language and how to teach and learn grammar effectively in this informative and useful blog post.
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