The Burden Bearer

A humble birth in the countryside green,
Where life was but a simple scene,
With endless fields of crops and trees,
A world of beauty, warmth, and ease.
But fate had other plans to weave,
And led him to the city's heave.

The city's roar was deafening,
A never-ending, constant ringing,
Of cars and people, noise and bustle,
A world where life's a constant tussle,
And in this world, he came to dwell,
With his father in Dhaka's spell.

His father toiled day and night,
Hoping to give them a better sight,
Of life beyond poverty's hold,
Of riches, comforts, and stories told.
But poverty was a stubborn foe,
That refused to let them go.

Their struggles were many, and their joys were few,
As they fought to make ends meet anew.
With every step, they stumbled and fell,
And hope was but a distant bell.
But they held on, with grit and grace,
And found strength in every race.

Education was his saving grace,
A chance to leave poverty's trace.
He worked hard, day and night,
To make his dreams take flight,
And in the classroom's glowing light,
He found a path to a future bright.

Books and notes, his constant friend,
His studies, his heart's blend,
He burned the midnight oil,
Toil and sweat, his daily foil,
But every word, every line,
Brought him closer to the divine.

But tragedy struck his family's door,
And all his dreams came crashing to the floor.
His father's stroke was a cruel blow,
That left him reeling, feeling low.
His hopes and dreams, now on hold,
As he faced a future, bleak and cold.

But he refused to give up the fight,
And worked harder, with all his might.
He knew that education was the key,
To unlock his future, wild and free.
And so he studied day and night,
To keep his hopes and dreams in sight.

In the library's hallowed halls,
He found solace, amidst it all,
And with every page that he turned,
His passion for knowledge burned,
And though his father's health did wane,
He never gave up on his education's gain.

For he knew that his father's dreams,
Were his to carry, like silent streams,
And though life's path was dark and steep,
He refused to let go, and weep,
Instead, he channelled all his pain,
Into studying, again and again.

The burden fell on his young shoulders,
Heavy as boulders, daunting as soldiers,
He carried his family's weight,
Through trials and struggles, he held fate,
And with a heart that beat so bold,
He shouldered it all, with stories untold.

He took a job at a local college,
A chance to earn, to write life's book,
With every lecture that he gave,
He hoped to change a life, to save,
And though the pay was meagre still,
He found strength in his passion's will.

Private tuition, his side hustle,
A chance to spread his knowledge's bustle,
To students who sought his aid,
And found in him, a source of trade,
But he gave more than just a class,
He gave hope, love, and a future's pass.

Money was hard to come by,
Like stars in the sky, they were shy,
But he refused to give up and sigh,
And instead, looked up high,
And found in his work's worth,
A source of pride, and a reason for mirth.

As each challenge he did meet,
He grew stronger in defeat,
His resilience and grit shone bright,
As he conquered each daunting height,
And though obstacles did arrive,
He persisted, and continued to thrive.

He sought his heart's desire in marriage,
A love that set his soul on fire,
But fate had other plans in mind,
A storm that left him love-blind.
His heart ached with the wounds of war,
That he fought like never before.

Mental punishment was his ordeal,
A pain that he could hardly feel,
For the love he had was lost,
Like a flower covered in frost.
Though he tried to warm its heart,
The love that once was fell apart.

With courage strong, he sought his way,
To a college job, day by day,
A future bright with skies so gay,
Despite the hardships, tough to sway,
He took the leap, his fears allayed,
And held his peace, come what may.

Teaching was his guiding light,
A chance to make a difference in life,
With every lecture that he gave,
He hoped to change a life, to save.
In the students that he taught,
He saw the hope that life had brought.

But fate was cruel and dealt its blow,
A lawsuit that threatened to overthrow,
All that he had worked so hard to gain,
Left him in a sea of pain.
With his head held high and proud,
He fought back and made his stand.

Though he found love anew,
The road ahead was far from true,
For his family and in-laws,
Had a feud that left him in awe.
But he kept on, with hope and grace,
And found in love a saving embrace.

The burden was too much to bear,
Life's struggles, too hard to share.
He quit every work, like a bird that lost its perk,
Hoping for a peaceful end,
Life had other plans, to amend.

Sued, he came out strong,
A fighter, who knew where he belonged.
With courage that burned like a flame,
He stood his ground and won the game,
For justice was his guiding light,
And he fought with all his might.

In his second marriage, he hoped for peace,
A love that would never cease,
But the pressure mounted and did not abate,
A weight that seemed to seal his fate.
For his family and in-laws had a strife,
A conflict that tore at his life.

Like a ship caught in a raging storm,
His life was battered, tattered, and torn,
With no safe harbour to anchor his soul,
He drifted aimlessly, out of control.
And though he hoped for a better day,
The clouds of sorrow would not go away.

His heart grew weary, his soul grew old,
As life's struggles took their toll.
The weight of the world, he could not bear,
And the pain of living was too much to share.
For he had fought too long and too hard,
And was tired of carrying the burden's shard.

He longed for a rest, and a peaceful end,
To find a place where he could mend,
And in death, he hoped to find release,
A chance to finally find some peace.
For life had been a long and winding road,
And his soul was ready to let go.

He lost hope and gave up the fight,
Like a candle flickering in the night,
His flame of life now dim and weak,
As the pain of living made him seek,
An escape from the struggle and strife,
And a chance to rest in the afterlife.

Awaiting death, he lay in bed,
Like a leaf, ready to be shed,
From life's tall tree, that once had been,
Now had nothing left to glean,
He'd fought and struggled, with all his might,
But now his journey's end was in sight.

Hoping to rest his weary head,
And find peace in the land of the dead,
He closed his eyes, whispered a prayer,
Hoping someone, somewhere, would care,
For the boy who'd fought so brave and hard,
Now ready to let down his guard.

The burden of life too much to bear,
A weight he could no longer share,
And though he tried with all his might,
To keep hope's flame burning bright,
The darkness of despair had finally won,
His journey on earth now done.

He left behind burdens and pains,
His life a story of hard-earned gains,
The boy's legacy lived on,
In hearts of those he'd shone,
He fought a noble, brave fight,
Now free in eternal light.

The countryside welcomed him with open arms,
Laid him to rest on its verdant farms,
His life may have been one of strife,
But in death, he found peaceful life,
Nature's beauty, a soothing balm,
As his soul rested in its calm.

The boy may be gone, but his spirit remained,
In hearts of those he had sustained,
A symbol of hope and resilience,
An inspiration to fight life's turbulence,
His journey may have been arduous and tough,
But he showed perseverance was enough.

As the sun set on his life's journey,
The boy's legacy shone in all its glory,
Overcoming life's twists and turns,
In death, his spirit still burns,
The countryside mourned his passing,
But in memory, his spirit everlasting.

The boy's spirit now roams free,
From life's weight and misery,
He may have left this mortal plane,
But memory will forever remain,
Like a flame that refuses to be extinguished,
His legacy will continue to flourish.

Though his life was fraught with pain,
His determination will forever remain,
A beacon of hope to those who struggle,
His legacy will continue to juggle,
The boy's hardships may be now over,
But his strength will last forever.

In the countryside where he was born,
Memory will never be forlorn,
A symbol of resilience and grit,
Legacy will forever transmit,
Though life dealt him a harsh blow,
His spirit will forever glow.

Like the sun setting on the horizon,
The boy's life may have come to a close,
But his spirit will forever rise on,
A testament to the human will,
His memory will forever instill,
In hearts of those who knew him,
Legacy will never dim.

Rest in peace, burdened boy,
Struggles over, you've found joy,
Memory will forever shine,
Inspire us all to be divine,
Though you may be gone, never forgotten,
Legacy forever begotten.



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PGDRMC: English Topics, Health Insights and Helpful Tutorials: The Burden Bearer
The Burden Bearer
A humble birth in the countryside green, Where life was but a simple scene, With endless fields of crops and trees,
PGDRMC: English Topics, Health Insights and Helpful Tutorials
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